When financing for your new home, there are a range of costs that must be considered to ensure that the purchasing process is smooth and efficient.
Stepping into a display home can be an amazing experience, but can also come with some confusion!
Building yourself a new home can be one life's most exciting experiences and with that comes a lot of impatience and anticipation. The question everyone always wants to know is how long it takes to build your dream home?
It can seem awfully daunting living in one of the most expensive places in the world but let us assure you that it is very possible… it just all begins with your initial deposit.
Buying a home for the first time is one of life's most exciting ventures. Unfortunately, with all the excitement comes a lot of eagerness and can run the risk of not following the process thoroughly.
So, you've been given the keys to your newly built home and your building journey has come to an end. What do you do now?
So you’ve decided that you want to build a home instead of purchasing a pre-existing property, however you’re probably slumped with where to start. If you’re trying to decide whether to choose land or choose a home design first, we may have a suggestion!
Buying your first home can be one of life's most exciting adventures, until you are faced with an overwhelming list of things to do. Domaine Homes understands that the process can be chaotic, difficult and confusing at times, so we're here to support you!